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The methodology of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management and human resources (V. Kafidov)

Annotation: the article discusses the features of application of methods of personnel management and human resources; the model of the formation of human resources and human capital.

Keywords: efficiency evaluation methods, human resources and human capital, efficiency of training, personnel reserve, personnel turnover.

Personnel management, human resources, human capital management have recently become common concepts, between which specialists who modestly call themselves HR often do not make distinctions. In a number of works I had to give my own version of the relationship between these concepts. At first glance, this is not so important for practitioners. This is necessary from the point of view of analyzing the processes of personnel management, its workforce, human resources and evaluating the effectiveness of these processes. It is also possible to establish what part of the profit is obtained through the effective use of labor, and what is formed through the development of human resources and their transformation into human capital.

On the basis of the above, the concept of personnel and human resources management is formed, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used at various stages of the management process. With a brief definition of key concepts, we can dwell on the following formulations:
personnel are people who perform labor functions in an organization in accordance with a concluded employment contract and are on the staff of this organization;
personnel is another section of the organization, these are people who perform labor functions, who are and are not on the staff of the organization, who report directly or as part of departments to the management of the organization and are part of the management object.
The attitude to people, to the labor force as a resource of the enterprise has long been ingrained in the heads of our specialists and researchers. In order to present a model for assessing human resources and human capital, it is important to define the concept of "labor force". Labor force is a combination of physical and intellectual abilities of a person to work. In a market economy, this is a commodity.


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